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Our repository is a digital platform that contains all our academic, scientific, technological and innovation information, which is linked to the National Repository CONACYT following international standards set out in the Technical Guidelines for the construction of institutional repositories published by CONACYT.


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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8

Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
2020A multi-epitope plant-made chimeric protein (LTBentero) targeting common enteric pathogens is immunogenic in miceArtículoEdgar Asdrubal Trujillo García; SERGIO ROSALES MENDOZA; Carlos Eliud Angulo Valadez9-Dec-2021
2017A Perspective on the Development of Plant-Made vaccines in the Fight against ebola virusArtículoSERGIO ROSALES MENDOZA; RICARDO NIETO GOMEZ; Carlos Eliud Angulo Valadez17-Nov-2017
2018Actividad inmunoestimulante de nanopartículas de oro en camarón blanco (Litopenaeus vannamei) contra Vibrio parahaemolyticusTesis de maestríaMARLENE ANAHI TELLO OLEA15-Jan-2019
2021Alfalfa Plants (Medicago sativa L.) Expressing the 85B (MAP1609c) Antigen of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis Elicit Long‑Lasting Immunity in MiceArtículoElizabeth Monreal Escalante; CRISTHIAN FRANCISCO SANDEZ ROBLEDO; AMALIA FERNANDA LEON GALLO; Virginie Roupie; Kris Huygen; Sawako Hori-Oshima; MARIO ARCE MONTOYA; SERGIO ROSALES MENDOZA; Carlos Eliud Angulo Valadez9-Dec-2021
2017Algevir: An Expression System for Microalgae Based on Viral VectorsArtículoBERNARDO BAÑUELOS HERNANDEZ; OMAR GONZALEZ ORTEGA; SERGIO ROSALES MENDOZA; Elizabeth Monreal Escalante; Carlos Eliud Angulo Valadez17-Nov-2017
2021An Overview of Gadolinium-Based Oxide and Oxysulfide Particles: Synthesis, Properties, and Biomedical ApplicationsArtículoBenita Ortega Berlanga; MARIA DE LOURDES BETANCOURT MENDIOLA; CESAR MANUEL DEL ANGEL OLARTE; LUIS HERNANDEZ ADAME; SERGIO ROSALES MENDOZA; ALMA GABRIELA PALESTINO ESCOBEDO26-Oct-2021
9-Dec-2016Producción del antígeno MAP 1609c de Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis en Schizochytrium sp. y evaluación del efecto inmunoestimulante de la microalga en modelo de ratón.Tesis de maestríaAbel Antonio Ramos Vega-
2018Prospects on the Use of Schizochytrium sp. to Develop Oral VaccinesArtículoAbel Antonio Ramos Vega; SERGIO ROSALES MENDOZA; BERNARDO BAÑUELOS HERNANDEZ; Carlos Eliud Angulo Valadez7-May-2019