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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5

Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
2021Involvement of a Fishing Community in the Eradication of the Introduced Cactus Mouse (Peromyscus eremicus cedrosensis) from San Benito Oeste Island, MexicoArtículoFederico Alfonso Méndez Sánchez; ALFONSO AGUIRRE MUÑOZ; ARACELI SAMANIEGO HERRERA; YULIANA ROCIO BEDOLLA GUZMÁN; ANA GABRIEL CARDENAS TAPIA; EVARISTO MANUEL ROJAS MAYORAL; MARIAM LATOFSKI ROBLES; PATRICIA KOLEFF OSORIO; Aradit Castellanos Vera; GUSTAVO ALBERTO ARNAUD FRANCO; Luis Felipe Beltrán Morales; Alfredo Ortega Rubio13-Dec-2021
2022Population trends of seabirds in Mexican Islands at the California Current SystemArtículoFederico Alfonso Méndez Sánchez; YULIANA ROCIO BEDOLLA GUZMÁN; EVARISTO MANUEL ROJAS MAYORAL; ALFONSO AGUIRRE MUÑOZ; Fernando I. Alvarez-Santana; GUSTAVO ALBERTO ARNAUD FRANCO; Luis Felipe Beltrán Morales; ESMERALDA BRAVO HERNANDEZ; Aradit Castellanos Vera; María Félix-Lizárraga; ANELY FERNANDEZ ROBLEDO; JULIO CESAR HERNANDEZ MONTOYA; Eduardo Inigo Elias; Alfredo Ortega Rubio15-Mar-2023
2017Progress in the eradication of the feral cat (Felis catus) and recovery of the native fauna on Socorro Island, Revillagigedo Archipelago, MexicoArtículoAdalberto Antonio Ortiz Alcaraz; ALFONSO AGUIRRE MUÑOZ; GUSTAVO ALBERTO ARNAUD FRANCO; Patricia Galina Tessaro; EVARISTO MANUEL ROJAS MAYORAL; Federico Alfonso Méndez Sánchez; Alfredo Ortega Rubio6-Oct-2017
2016Recovery of Vegetation Cover and Soil after the Removal of Sheep in Socorro Island, MexicoArtículoEVARISTO MANUEL ROJAS MAYORAL; MIGUEL VICTOR CORDOBA MATSON; Adalberto Antonio Ortiz Alcaraz; YOLANDA LOURDES MAYA DELGADO; Patricia Cortés Calva; ALFONSO AGUIRRE MUÑOZ; Alfredo Ortega Rubio7-Nov-2017
2019Sexual Dimorphism and Foraging Trips of the Laysan Albatross (Phoebastria immutabilis) on Guadalupe IslandArtículoJULIO CESAR HERNANDEZ MONTOYA; MARICELA JUAREZ RODRIGUEZ; Federico Alfonso Méndez Sánchez; ALFONSO AGUIRRE MUNOZ; EVARISTO MANUEL ROJAS MAYORAL; Eduardo Inigo Elias; Patricia Galina Tessaro; GUSTAVO ALBERTO ARNAUD FRANCO; Alfredo Ortega Rubio24-Jan-2020