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Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
2020Chlorophyll a Concentration Distribution on the Mainland Coast of the Gulf of California, MexicoArtículoCARLOS MANUEL ROBLES TAMAYO; Ricardo Garcia-Morales; José Eduardo Valdez Holguín; GUDELIA FIGUEROA PRECIADO; Hugo Herrera Cervantes; JUANA LOPEZ MARTINEZ; Luis Fernando Enríquez Ocaña27-Aug-2020
2021Temporal Variability of Oceanic Mesoscale Events in the Gulf of CaliforniaArtículoEDGARDO BASILIO FARACH ESPINOZA; JUANA LOPEZ MARTINEZ; Ricardo Garcia-Morales; Manuel Otilio Nevárez Martínez; Daniel Bernardo Lluch Cota; SOFIA ORTEGA GARCIA27-Oct-2021
2021The Young Stages of the Cannonball Jellyfish (Stomolophus sp. 2) from the Central Gulf of California (Mexico)ArtículoLAURA CRISTINA GOMEZ SALINAS; JUANA LOPEZ MARTINEZ; Andre Carrara Morandini27-Oct-2021
2023Long-Term Variability in Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll a Concentration in the Gulf of CaliforniaArtículoJUANA LOPEZ MARTINEZ; EDGARDO BASILIO FARACH ESPINOZA; Hugo Herrera Cervantes; Ricardo Garcia-Morales6-May-2024
2023An integrated catch-at-age model for analyzing the variability in biomass of Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) from the Gulf of California, MexicoArtículoManuel Otilio Nevárez Martínez; ENRIQUE MORALES BOJORQUEZ; MARÍA DE LOS ÁNGELES MARTÍNEZ ZAVALA; Héctor Villalobos Ortiz; MARLENE ANAID LUQUIN COVARRUBIAS; VIOLETA ESTEFANIA GONZALEZ MAYNEZ; JUANA LOPEZ MARTINEZ; JOSÉ PABLO SANTOS MOLINA; ARELLY ORNELAS VARGAS; Francisco Javier Delgado Vences17-May-2024
