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¿Por qué integrar la agricultura con la acuicultura?
Paola Magallón Servín
Enrique Murillo Moreno
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URL: https://www.cibnor.gob.mx/revista-rns/pdfs/vol1num3EE/6_PORQUE.pdf
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18846/renaysoc.2021.
ISSN: 2448-7406
Integración agroacuícola, Acuaponia, Oreochromis sp, hidroponia, hortalizas, micro propietarios
"México atraviesa una etapa crítica en seguridad alimentaria. Ante esta situación el gobierno de nuestro país en conjunto con las agencias científicas enfrenta grandes retos para incrementar la resiliencia alimentaria, del sector agropecuario y acuícola. Por lo tanto, para lograr el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías consideramos conveniente unir los sistemas agroalimentarios, en este caso la acuicultura y la agricultura de forma ecoeficiente y, así potenciar ambos sectores de producción, sobre todo en ambientes áridos, donde el agua y el suelo son recursos muy limitados. Por otro lado, dicha integración proporcionará una ventana de oportunidad para recuperar los residuales de la actividad acuícola y su posterior inserción en la actividad agrícola, convirtiéndose en proveedores de agua y nutrientes. Por la relevancia del tema, en el presente trabajo se analiza y se aborda la pertinencia y los retos que representan el acoplamiento de diferentes sistemas de producción de peces de agua dulce con sistemas intensivos de producción de hortalizas y la necesidad de realizar investigación, desarrollo tecnológico e innovación para una integración agroacuícola ecoeficiente."
"Mexico is going through a critical situation in regard to food safety and the affordability of high-quality foods able to meet the national demands. At the same time the sanitary crisis that Mexico is living had made it even more clear that there is a (1) lack of food access in low-income households, (2) that there are several challenges in rural areas in Mexico to produce enough food to meet demands and (3) the health of a significant segment of the Mexican population has been compromised either by undernourishment or diseases associated with poor nutrition, such as, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer. Under these complex situations the Mexican government and federal organizations face big challenges in order to increase food resilience. At the same time, there is a need to implement strategies to increase the sustainability of those systems, taking into account the management of natural resources in order to achieve new economic models that allow: (a) equal access to food, (b) develop and/or improve new technological approaches to increase the sustainability of food production systems and (c) the development of new technologies that balance the sustainability and intensification process in order to meet food demands. For that, the agroalimentary food systems need to be evolved into a more integrative manner. One approach is the integration of aquaculture and agriculture, both food production sectors possess the potential to profit each other, especially in places and regions where water and soil are limiting resources. This could give an opportunity window to recover water and residuals from the aquaculture sector and use them into the agriculture sector, reducing cost in fertilizers, especially in rural areas where agriculture development is challenged by the price of chemical fertilizers. There are many proposals and different models for the integration of both sectors; however, the purpose of this work is to question the challenges and advantages of coupling different production systems of freshwater fish and horticulture as well as, the importance to carry out scientific research, technological development and innovation."
Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste, S. C.
Recursos Naturales y Sociedad
Magallón F.J., P. Magallón, M. López Vela, E. Murillo, A. Martínez y R. Servín. 2021. ¿Por qué integrar la agricultura con la acuicultura?. Recursos Naturales y Sociedad, 2021. Vol. 7 (3): 75-103. https://doi.org/10.18846/renaysoc.2021.
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