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Showing results 1538 to 1557 of 2923

Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
28-Jun-2004Geminivirus en tomate en Baja California Sur: identificación, caracterización y epidemiologíaTesis de doctoradoRAMON JAIME HOLGUIN PEÑA-
2022Gene expression in primary hemocyte culture of the Pacific white shrimp Penaeus vannamei infected with different white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) strainsArtículoDelia Patricia Parrilla Taylor; REGINA ELIZONDO GONZALEZ; Jesús Neftalí Gutiérrez Rivera; SILVIA ALEJANDRA GARCIA GASCA; NORBERTO VIBANCO PEREZ; MA. DE JESUS DURAN AVELAR; RICARDO VAZQUEZ JUAREZ8-Dec-2023
2018Gene expression of digestive enzymes during the initial ontogeny of Mexican snook Centropomus poeyiArtículoGLORIA GERTRUDYS ASENCIO ALCUDIA; Dariel Tovar Ramírez; Hever Latisnére Barragán; rafael martinez-garcia; Wilfrido Miguel Contreras Sánchez; Carlos Alfonso Álvarez González24-Sep-2019
2012Gene flow and population structure in the Mexican blind cavefish complex (Astyanax mexicanus)ArtículoMartina Bradic; Peter Beerli; FRANCISCO JAVIER GARCIA DE LEON; SARAI ESQUIVEL BOBADILLA17-May-2023
17-Sep-2003Generación, selección y caracterización bioquímica y cinética de cepas mutantes de Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Bohlin)Tesis de maestríaTANIA CASTILLO MARENCO-
Nov-2020Genes asociados al crecimiento compensatorio en el camarón blanco del Pacífico Penaeus vannameiTesis de maestríaMaría de Jesús Cota Quintero27-Nov-2020
2021Genes de respuesta a estrés térmico regulados por metilación en el ostión del Pacífico Crassostrea gigasTesis de doctoradoRoberto Carlos Arredondo25-Oct-2021
2023Genetic analyses reveal a non-panmictic genetic structure in the sablefish Anoplopoma fimbria in the northern PacificArtículoAdonaji Orozco-Ruiz; Alexei Orlov; Svetlana Orlova; FRANCISCO JAVIER GARCIA DE LEON; CAROLINA GALVAN TIRADO25-May-2023
2023Genetic connectivity in the spotted rose snapper Lutjanus guttatus (Lutjaniformes: Lutjanidae) between Mexico and Panama throughout the Tropical Eastern PacificArtículoNOE DIAZ VILORIA; ADRIANA MAX AGUILAR; Mailin Rivera; ELAINE ESPINO BARR; NICOLE REGUERA ROUZAUD; Andrea Casaucao Aguilar; RICARDO PEREZ ENRIQUEZ25-Apr-2024
2021Genetic connectivity of the metapopulation of the coral Pocillopora verrucosa (Scleractinia: Pocilloporidae) in multi-use marine protected areas of the Gulf of California, and management implicationsArtículoFernando Aranceta Garza; Pedro Cruz Hernández; Héctor Reyes Bonilla; Eduardo Francisco Balart Páez18-Jan-2022
2012Genetic diversity and structure among subspecies of white-tailed deer in MexicoArtículoXOCHITL FABIOLA DE LA ROSA REYNA; REY DAVID CALDERON LOBATO; GASPAR MANUEL PARRA BRACAMONTE; Ana Maria Sifuentes-Rincón; FRANCISCO JAVIER GARCIA DE LEON; WILLIAMS ARELLANO VERA17-May-2023
2021Genetic Diversity in Jatropha platyphylla Accessions Based on Morphological Traits and Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats Molecular MarkersArtículoEDITH SALAZAR VILLA; Lilia Alcaráz Meléndez; JOSEFINA LEON FELIX; JOSE BASILIO HEREDIA; Federico Soto Landeros; VERONICA PEREZ RUBIO; Eduardo Sánchez Valdez; MIGUEL ANGEL ANGULO ESCALANTE18-Jan-2022
2021Genetic diversity of divergent redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (Von Martens, 1868) populations evaluated to initiate a breeding program in MexicoArtículoADRIANA MAX AGUILAR; Humberto Villarreal Colmenares; Ignacio Leyva Valencia; ROCIO VALENCIA VALDEZ; JOSE NARANJO PARAMO; MAYRA DE FATIMA VARGAS MENDIETA; Alejandra Victoria Villarreal García; Pedro Cruz Hernández26-Oct-2021
2013Genetic diversity of mitochondrial DNA from Litopenaeus vannamei broodstock used in northwestern MexicoArtículoJOSE FERNANDO MENDOZA CANO; JOSE MANUEL GRIJALVA CHON; RICARDO PEREZ ENRIQUEZ; ALEJANDRO VARELA ROMERO18-Oct-2017
2021Genetic diversity of the blue land crab Cardisoma guanhumi (Latreille 1825) in the Alvarado Lagoon System in Veracruz, gulf coast of MexicoArtículoJOSE FRANCISCO RENDON HERNANDEZ; CARLOS IVAN PEREZ ROSTRO; Ricardo González Trujillo; Guadalupe Fabiola Arcos Ortega; María de Lourdes Jiménez Badillo; Gabriela Galindo Cortés17-Nov-2021
2016Genetic Diversity of the Endemic Xantus’ Hummingbird Using 16 Novel Polymorphic Microsatellite Loci, and Their Cross Amplification between Six Related SpeciesArtículoCRISTINA GONZALEZ RUBIO SANVICENTE; RICARDO RODRIGUEZ ESTRELLA; OSCAR ADRIAN LOZANO GARZA; FRANCISCO JAVIER GARCIA DE LEON23-Nov-2017
2021Genetic structure and historical and contemporary gene flow of Astyanax mexicanus in the Gulf of Mexico slope: a microsatellite-based analysisArtículoRODOLFO PEREZ RODRIGUEZ; SARAI ESQUIVEL BOBADILLA; ADONAJI MADELEINE OROZCO RUIZ; JOSE LUIS OLIVAS HERNANDEZ; FRANCISCO JAVIER GARCIA DE LEON16-Jul-2021
2015Genetic structure of pacific trout at the extreme southern end of their native rangeArtículoALICIA ABADIA CARDOSO; FRANCISCO JAVIER GARCIA DE LEON4-Oct-2017
2008Genetic structure of the massive coral Porites panamensis (Anthozoa: Scleractinia) from the Mexican PacificCapítulo de libroDAVID ARTURO PAZ GARCIA; FRANCISCO CORREA SANDOVAL; Héctor Efraín Chávez Romo; H. Reyes Bonilla; RAMON ANDRES LOPEZ PEREZ; Pedro Medina Rosas; MARTHA PATRICIA HERNANDEZ CORTES19-Aug-2021
2008Genetic structure of the scleractinian coral, Pocillopora damicornis, from the Mexican PacificCapítulo de libroHéctor Efraín Chávez Romo; FRANCISCO CORREA SANDOVAL; DAVID ARTURO PAZ GARCIA; Héctor Reyes Bonilla; RAMON ANDRES LOPEZ PEREZ; Pedro Medina Rosas; MARTHA PATRICIA HERNANDEZ CORTES19-Aug-2021