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Our repository is a digital platform that contains all our academic, scientific, technological and innovation information, which is linked to the National Repository CONACYT following international standards set out in the Technical Guidelines for the construction of institutional repositories published by CONACYT.
Browsing by Subject
Showing results 2757 to 2776 of 4018 < previous next >
- Na+-K+-ATPasa; salinidad; crustáceos; HUFA; branquias; estrés agudo; estrés crónico; aclimatación 1
- NaCl, semilla, porcentaje de emergencia, hierbas aromáticas 1
- Nagoya Protocol, access and benefit sharing, natural protected areas, national biodiversity index, quality of institutions 1
- nano-biofortification, nanoparticles, antioxidants, Lactuca sativa L. 1
- nanoparticles, peptide, antigen, immunogenic, pathogen 1
- nanopartículas de oro 1
- nanovacunas, péptido, antígeno, inmunogénico, patógeno 1
- naranjo, manejo del agua, fertilización 1
- Narrow endemism, Conservation, Plant diversity 1
- native fish, distribution, taxonomical and bioecological considerations 1
- natural capital, nautical tourism, Gulf of California, coastal management 1
- natural climate signals, multi-decadal climate signal/oscillation, climate change, ENSO, small pelagic synchrony, managing fish stocks, global fishmeal production 1
- Natural disturbances, resilience, precipitation, Hurricane Lidia, remote sensing 1
- natural extracts 1
- natural feed, water quality, growth, intensive production, zooplankton 1
- Natural mortality, duration of life history stages, semelparous species, iteroparous species 1
- Natural mortality, ecopath with ecosim, biological active center, Gulf of Ulloa 1
- natural protected area (NPA), effectiveness evaluation, management categories, zoning, governance. 1
- natural protected area, hydrological service, ecosystem service, existence value, willingness to pay 1
- natural protected area, panel data, metering, nonpayment, average price 1
Showing results 2757 to 2776 of 4018
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