Welcome to the Institutional Repository CIBNOR
Welcome to our Institutional Repository CIBNOR!
Our repository is a digital platform that contains all our academic, scientific, technological and innovation information, which is linked to the National Repository CONACYT following international standards set out in the Technical Guidelines for the construction of institutional repositories published by CONACYT.
Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue Date | Title | Publication Type/ Resource Type | Author(s) | Submit Date |
2018 | Association of three Carangidae juvenile fishes with cannonball jellyfish Stomolophus meleagris in Bahía de La Paz, Gulf of California | Artículo | MONICA AURORA REZA SANCHEZ; LUCIA OCAMPO VICTORIA; Lucía Campos Dávila | 9-Oct-2019 |
8-Jul-2009 | Implementación del análisis de Prostaglandinas en tejidos de ostión y Comparación de prostaglandina e2 después de Un estrés por muestreo en ostión de placer (crassostrea corteziensis) y ostión japonés (c. Gigas) y Durante el desove de c. Gigas | Tesis de maestría | MONICA AURORA REZA SANCHEZ | - |
Showing results 1 to 2 of 2