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Browsing by Author Leonardo Martínez Cárdenas

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6

Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
2022Effect of different stocking densities in juveniles of American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus, Crocodilia, Crocodylidae) in captivityArtículoCarlos Alfonso Alvarez_González; Leonardo Martínez Cárdenas; Luis Daniel Espinosa Chaurand; ANDRES ELOY LEON FERNANDEZ; ITZEL GALAVIZ VILLA; Francisco Hernández Vázquez; Sergio Gustavo Castillo Vargasmachuca11-Sep-2023
2018Effect of feeding frequency on growth and survival in juvenile gar Atractosteus tropicus Gill, 1863, in culture conditionsArtículoLeonardo Martínez Cárdenas; Crisantema Hernández González; Luis Daniel Espinosa Chaurand; MIRIAM SORIA BARRETO; Carlos Alfonso Álvarez González; rafael martinez-garcia24-Sep-2019
2020Effect of stocking density on growth, survival and condition factor in tropical gar (Atractosteus tropicus Gill, 1863) juvenilesArtículoLeonardo Martínez Cárdenas; Luis Daniel Espinosa Chaurand; María del Refugio Castañeda Chávez; ANDRES ELOY LEON FERNANDEZ; EDNA FABIOLA VALDEZ HERNANDEZ; CARLOS ENRIQUE BERNAL RODRIGUEZ; Carlos Alfonso Álvarez González5-Nov-2020
2023Palatability of animal oils included in the diet of the Mexican axolotl and its effect on growth and survivalArtículoValeria Sarahi Ocaranza Joya; FERNANDO VEGA VILLASANTE; CYNTHIA EUGENIA MONTOYA MARTINEZ; DANIEL BADILLO ZAPATA; Héctor Gerardo Nolasco Soria; Leonardo Martínez Cárdenas; Erick Fabián López Félix11-Sep-2023
2023Palatability of animal oils included in the diet of the Mexican axolotl and its effect on growth and survivalArtículoValeria Sarahi Ocaranza Joya; FERNANDO VEGA VILLASANTE; CYNTHIA EUGENIA MONTOYA MARTINEZ; DANIEL BADILLO ZAPATA; Héctor Gerardo Nolasco Soria; Leonardo Martínez Cárdenas22-Apr-2024
2021The Standard Deviation Structure as a New Approach to Growth Analysis in Weight and Length Data of Farmed Lutjanus guttatusArtículoSergio Gustavo Castillo Vargasmachuca; EUGENIO ALBERTO ARAGON NORIEGA; Guillermo Rodríguez Domínguez; Leonardo Martínez Cárdenas; EULALIO ARAMBUL MUÑOZ; Álvaro J. Burgos Arcos13-Dec-2021