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Our repository is a digital platform that contains all our academic, scientific, technological and innovation information, which is linked to the National Repository CONACYT following international standards set out in the Technical Guidelines for the construction of institutional repositories published by CONACYT.
Browsing by Author Delia Patricia Parrilla Taylor
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Issue Date | Title | Publication Type/ Resource Type | Author(s) | Submit Date |
2022 | Gene expression in primary hemocyte culture of the Pacific white shrimp Penaeus vannamei infected with different white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) strains | Artículo | Delia Patricia Parrilla Taylor; REGINA ELIZONDO GONZALEZ; Jesús Neftalí Gutiérrez Rivera; SILVIA ALEJANDRA GARCIA GASCA; NORBERTO VIBANCO PEREZ; MA. DE JESUS DURAN AVELAR; RICARDO VAZQUEZ JUAREZ | 8-Dec-2023 |
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